











  • 《外加共振螺旋场对托卡马克等离子体密度影响的研究》,国家自然科学青年基金,2016.01-2018.12,项目负责人;

  • 《破裂相关磁流体不稳定性的机制研究》,国家磁约束核聚变能源发展研究专项,2015.03-2018.3,主持;

  • 《外加扰动场对托卡马克等离子体撕裂模影响的实验研究》,国家自然科学基金(面上),2013.01-2016.12,参与;

  • 《托卡马克磁拓扑结构对外加螺旋扰动磁场响应的研究》,国家自然科学青年基金,2015.01-2017.12,参与。

  • 代表性成果(近年的教学和科研成果、专著与论文、专利、获奖)

    [1] Hu, Q., Yu, Q., Suppressing magnetic island and accelerating its rotation by modulated resonant magnetic perturbation, Nuclear Fusion 56, 034001 (2016)?[Highlighted article].

    [2] Hu, Q., Li, J., Wang, N., Yu, Q., Chen, J., Cheng, Z., Chen, Z., Ding, Y., Jin, H., Li, D., Li, M., Liu, Y., Rao, B., Zhu, L., Zhuang, G., Plasma response to m/n = 3/1 resonant magnetic perturbation on J-TEXT Tokamak, Nuclear Fusion 56, 092009 (2016).

    [3] Hu, Q., Wang, N., Yu, Q., Ding, Y., Rao, B., Chen, Z., Jin, H., Research on the effect of resonant magnetic perturbations on disruption limit in J-TEXT tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58, 025001 (2016).

    [4] Liu, H., Hu, Q.*, Chen, Z., Yu, Q., Zhu, L., Cheng, Z., Zhuang, G., Chen, Z., Effect of electrode biasing on m/n=2/1 tearing modes in J-TEXT experiments, Nuclear Fusion 57, 016003 (2017) [Featured article and LabTalk].

    [5] Huang, M., Hu, Q.*, Shi, P., Zhang, X., Zhu, L., Chen, Z., Zhuang, G., The operation region and MHD modes on the J-TEXT tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58,?125002 (2016)?[Highlighted article].

    [6] Chen, Z., Huang, D., Izzo, V.A., Tong, R., Jiang, Z., Hu, Q., Wei, Y., Yan, W., Rao, B., et al, Enhancement of runaway production by resonant magnetic perturbation on J-TEXT, Nuclear Fusion 56, 074001 (2016).

    [7] Chen, Z., Huang, D., Luo, Y., Tang, Y., Dong, Y., Zeng, L., Tong, R., Wang, S., Wei, Y., Wang, X., Jian, X., Li, J., Zhang, X., Rao, B., Yan, W., Ma, T., Hu, Q., et al, The behavior of runaway current in massive gas injection fast shutdown plasmas in J-TEXT, Nuclear Fusion 56, 112013 (2016).

    [8] Rao, B., Li, D., Hu, F. R., Ding, Y. H., Hu, Q. M., Jin, H., Fast island phase identification for the tearing mode feedback control in the J-TEXT tokamak, Review of Scientific Instruments?87, 11D425 (2014).

    [9] Jin, H., Hu, Q.*, Wang, N., Rao, B., Ding, Y., Li, D., Li, M., Xie, S., Locked mode unlocking by rotating resonant magnetic perturbations in J-TEXT tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57, 104007 (2015) [Highlighted article].

    [10] Liu, L., He, J., Hu, Q.*, Zhuang, G., Observation of beta-induced Alfvén Eigenmode in J-TEXT tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57, 065007 (2015).

    [11] Hu, Q., Yu, Q., Hu, X., Linear and nonlinear effect of sheared plasma flow on resistive tearing modes, Physics of Plasmas 21, 122507 (2014).

    [12] Hu, Q., Yu, Q., Wang, N., Shi, P., Yi, B., Ding, Y., Rao, B., Chen, Z., Gao, L., Hu, X., Jin, H., Li, M., Li, J., Yu, K., Zhuang, G., the J-Text Team, Influence of rotating resonant magnetic perturbations on particle confinement, Nuclear Fusion 54, 122006 (2014).

    [13] Hu, Q., Zhuang, G., Yu, Q., Rao, B., Gao, L., Wang, N., Jin, W., Yi, B., Zeng, W., Chen, W., Ding, Y., Chen, Z., Hu, X., the J-Text Team, Enhanced particle transport caused by resonant magnetic perturbations in the J-TEXT tokamak, Nuclear Fusion 54, 064013 (2014).

    [14] Wang, N., Rao, B., Hu, Q., Yonghua, D., Zhipeng, C., Li, G., Wei, J., Bin, Y., Wubing, Z., Quanlin, L., Yang, L., Hangyu, X., Ge, Z., Yuan, P., the, J. T. T., Study of the penetration of resonant magnetic perturbations in J-TEXT, Nuclear Fusion 54, 064014 (2014).

    [15] Rao, B., Wang, G., Ding, Y. H., Yu, K. X., Li, Q. L., Wang, N. C., Yi, B., Nan, J. Y., Cen, Y. S., Hu, Q., Jin, W., Li, J. C., Jin, H., Zhang, M., Zhuang, G., Introduction to resonant magnetic perturbation coils of the J-TEXT Tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design 89, 378 (2014).

    [16] Ding, Y. H., Wang, N. C., Rao, B., Jin, X. S., Chen, Z. P., Hu, Q., Jin, H., Jin, W., Li, J. C., Xie, S. J., Yi, B., Zhuang, G., Pan, Y., Analytical compensation of axisymmetric equilibrium fluxes picked up by locked mode detectors in tokamaks, Review of Scientific Instruments 85, (2014).

    [17] Xiao, J., Yang, Z., Zhuang, G., Hu, Q., Feng, X., Liu, M., Plasma Response to Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in J-TEXT, Plasma Sci. Technol. 16, 17 (2014).

    [18] Hu, Q., Rao, B., Yu, Q., Ding, Y., Zhuang, G., Jin, W., Hu, X., Understanding the effect of resonant magnetic perturbations on tearing mode dynamics, Physics of Plasmas 20, 092502 (2013).

    [19] Rao, B., Ding, Y., Hu, Q., Wang, N., Yi, B., Zheng, M., Jin, W., Li, J., Cheng, Z., Yu, Q., Yu, K., Zhuang, G., First observation of rotation acceleration of magnetic island by using rotating resonant magnetic perturbation on the J-TEXT tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 122001 (2013).

    [20] Jin, W., Ding, Y. H., Rao, B., Hu, Q., Jin, X. S., Wang, N. C., Zhang, X. Q., Wang, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Zhuang, G., the, J. T. T., Dependence of plasma responses to an externally applied perturbation field on MHD oscillation frequency on the J-TEXT tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 035010 (2013).

    [21] Zhuang, G., Gentle, K. W., Rao, B., Feng, X., Chen, J., Hu, Q., Jin, W., Hu, X., Chen, Z., Wang, Z., Ding, Y., Zhang, M., Chen, Z., Yang, Z., Gao, L., Zhang, X., Cheng, Z., Pan, Y., Yu, K., Huang, H., Team, J.-T., Recent research work on the J-TEXT tokamak, Nuclear Fusion 53, 104014 (2013).

    [22]?Rao, B., Ding, Y. H., Hu, Q., Shi, W. F., Zhang, X. Q., Zhang, M., Jin, X. S., Nan, J. Y., Yu, K. X., Zhuang, G., Tearing mode suppression by using resonant magnetic perturbation coils on J-TEXT tokamak, Physics Letters A 377, 315 (2013).

    [23] Rao, B., Ding, Y. H., Yu, K. X., Jin, W., Hu, Q., Yi, B., Nan, J. Y., Wang, N. C., Zhang, M., Zhuang, G., Measurement of 2/1 intrinsic error field of Joint TEXT tokamak, Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 043504 (2013).

    [24] Hu, Q., Yu, Q., Rao, B., Ding, Y., Hu, X., Zhuang, G., Effect of externally applied resonant magnetic perturbations on resistive tearing modes, Nuclear Fusion 52, 083011 (2012).

    [25] Rao, B., Zhuang, G., Zhang, M., Ding, Y. H., Yu, K. X., Hu, Q., Hao, C. D., Cen, Y. S., Yi, B., He, Y., Nan, J. Y., Design of the In-Vessel Magnetic Coils for Generating a Rotating Resonant Magnetic Perturbation on the J-TEXT Tokamak Plasma, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22, 4201804 (2012).

    [26]Xu, T., Hu, Q., Hu, X., Yu, Q., Locking of Tearing Modes by the Error Field, Chinese Phys. Lett 28, 95202 (2011).